My mistake, I see that there is more library code at


On Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 9:46:46 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> Hello, thanks for sharing here and thanks for the MIT license. Here’s a 
> code review.
> These are my unfiltered opinions. You may not agree with some or any of 
> them, and some or all of them might not be reasonable to implement. My goal 
> is to build an ideal way to write Go code by doing code reviews here. My 
> hope is this feedback is useful to you in this project or in a future 
> project.
> In cmd/simple-turn “type myTurnServer struct {}” is a code smell that 
> hints at overusing interface, but in this case including usersMap in type 
> myTurnServer would remove the smell. Having the application do 
> authentication makes sense.
> (application meaning code using the library)
> Instead of turn.Server a more idiomatic interface name could be something 
> like turn.ClientAuthenticator.
> package server doesn’t have tests and neither does package turn. How did 
> you validate it? Is there validation code you can include?
> Perhaps consider embedding Protocol in allocation.FiveTuple.
> Instead of cmd/simple-turn perhaps you could have examples/simple/main.go. 
> Having a cmd indicates that the cmd is supported, but the authentication is 
> minimal in simple-turn and might not be good for some uses.
> Standards like STUN and TURN are an opportunity to make portable code. 
> This layout might lead to clearer and more reusable code:
>     library code files that simplify making a TURN host
>     /examples
>         /simple
>             main.go
>     /turn
>         library code files implementing the symbols and logic of the 
> standards
> Can you explain the pattern? There is no pkg 
> directory included in the base repo.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> On Monday, May 14, 2018 at 4:35:09 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>> Hi list!
>> I wrote a TURN server and would love to get feedback/share 
>> If you aren't interested in the code, but just want a TURN server there 
>> are already built releases that work on Windows/Darwin/Linux/FreeBSD and 
>> should just take 5 mins to get running!
>> These are the goals I had in mind when designing it, I was frustrated 
>> with other solutions and feel like it creates a higher barrier of entry to 
>> building WebRTC products then needed.
>> # Easy Setup 
>> The example cmd (simple-turn) is a statically built TURN server, configured 
>> by environment variables. 
>> The entire install setup is 5 commands, on any platform! The goal is that 
>> anyone should be able to run a TURN server on any platform.
>> # Integration first
>> pion-turn makes no assumptions about how you authenticate users, how you 
>> log, or even your topology! Instead of running a dedicated TURN server you
>> can inherit from and set whatever logger you want.
>> # Embeddable
>> You can add this to an existing service. This means all your config files 
>> stay homogeneous instead of having the mismatch that makes it harder to 
>> manage your services.
>> For small setups it is usually an overkill to deploy dedicated TURN servers, 
>> this makes it easier to solve the problems you care about.
>> ## Readable
>> All network interaction is commented with a link to the spec. This makes 
>> learning and debugging easier, the TURN server was written to also serve as 
>> a guide for others.
>> ## Tested
>> Every commit is tested via travis-ci Go provides fantastic facilities for 
>> testing, and more will be added as time goes on.
>> ## Shared libraries
>> Every pion product is built using shared libraries, allowing others to build 
>> things using existing tested STUN and TURN tools.
>> If you are interested in using it, but it is missing a feature you need I 
>> would love to add it! The more users, the better the software gets.

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