Hi Dave,

I haven't made it clear on the first post, sorry,

I am talking about the behavior of  Go's net/http.Client, so there are no 
browsers involved.
Go's net/http.Client will do redirections transparently for user, but there 
are no exposed way of get the redirected url.

see https://play.golang.org/p/jLlKR3yjWSw ,  that explains what I want to 

On Monday, May 21, 2018 at 4:25:05 PM UTC+8, Dave Cheney wrote:
> Please keep in mind that the Via header is supplied by he client (the 
> browser) and there is not requirement that it maintains the full chain of 
> custardy of all the urls it has passed though, nor is there any way for Go 
> to know nor enforce that this list remains accurate. Sorry. 

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