On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 12:12 PM, Marvin Stenger
<marvin.stenge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We talk about the implementation of chansend/recv, where fast paths are not
> protected by a locked mutex (slow paths of course are). And those fast paths
> use atomic.Loads intentially sparse, which could look inconsistent if not
> familiar with the design/mechanics behind it.
> And my point was, that a slow path protected with a lock surely can execute
> concurrently with a fast path not protected by that lock. So for the fast
> path implementation one has to know what one is doing and if reordering
> issues are a concern or not or if there could even be real data races on the
> shared resource if accessed non-atomically.

Yes, it is definitely possible to get things wrong when combining a
fast path not protected with a mutex with a slow path that is
protected by a mutex.  But it is also possible to get things right.
Do you see a specific problem in the code?


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