Thanks Todd.  That fixed my problem.

Concerning the dummy nodes to want to add to an AST, you could try adding 
dummy methods to make them to conform to ast.Stmt or whatever?

On Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 6:33:12 PM UTC-4, Todd Neal wrote:
> <javascript:> writes: 
> > As can be seen from my recent posts, I've been playing a lot with the 
> > automatic generation if go programs using go/ast and related packages. 
> > 
> > My current problem is that when I use astutil.AddImport. 
> > 
> > When I rn the program below, which creates a new ast.File and uses 
> > astutil.AddImport to import to packages into it, the serialization of 
> that 
> > File only includes the first import: 
> > 
> > go run add_import.go 
> > package foo 
> > 
> > import "fmt" 
> > 
> > Has anyone else seen this? 
> > 
> Arguably it's a bug in AddImport.  You need a valid Lparen for it to 
> print multiple specs. Try this after you add call AddImport: 
>               newAstFile.Decls[0].(*ast.GenDecl).Lparen = token.Pos(1) 
> go/ast is nice, but I'm in the middle of using it to generate a large 
> amount of code and am looking at just copying go/ast and making some 
> changes. 
>  - token.Pos and filesets just aren't convenient to use for code 
>    generation 
>  - Walk/Format can't handle non go/ast nodes.  I want to insert some 
>    temporary nodes that I can replace later on once I determine what 
>    type they should really be. 
>  - oddities like you ran into, you'll see the same thing when creating a 
>    type alias (set Assign to something besides token.NoPos for an alias) 
> - Todd 

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