On Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 6:34:54 PM UTC-5, Eric Raymond wrote:

> In the attached program, I would like to be able to remove the &x argument 
> from ListFields.  That is, I want the Inner code to be able to reflect on 
> the Outer instance without having to be fed the address of the Outer 
> instance explicitly.  I specifically do *not* want to move the method to 
> Outer - reflection  from within Inner is the point of the exercise.

I actually have a solution for the &x problem. The handler-struct can be an 
interface with some form of SetFakeSuperClass() method which the Kommandant 
constructor calls. The only problem is that it is be brittle if the Kmdt 
struct is copied. But realistically I'm having a hard time coming up with a 
scenario where that is relevant and Kommandant is the breakage rather than 
the code using it.

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