On Sep 11, 2018, at 3:02 PM, Ian Lance Taylor <i...@golang.org> wrote:
> I'll just note briefly that I tossed field accessors in the contracts
> design draft because it was easy, not because I thought it was an
> important feature.  It would be interesting to see a real use case for
> it.  At this point I would certainly be fine omitting any way to
> specify field accessors.

You can always use getter/setter functions instead of
field names in a generic function but it can get unwieldy
and slow.

Suppose you want to search in a tree by name. A generic
function may look like this:

//leaving out how the type parameter T is specified
func SearchByName(t *T, n string) *T {
        if t == nil || t.name == n { return t }
        it t.left != nil && n < t.name {
                return SearchByName(t.left, n)
        return SearchByName(t.right, n)

Any type containing the three named fields can be used here.

An obvious alternative is be to pass a compare function to a
generic tree search function as well as accessors for left
and right subtrees. But directly using left and right fields
seems clearer (and you don't need every type to implement
these accessors -- this is already implicitly done by the
fact that a type has named fields; why have a programmer
duplicate the work).

Another alternative is for a data structure to *embed* a
tree node and all these functions are then defined on the
tree node. But then the compare function can get screwy -
it has to accept a ptr to a tree node and not the real data

One way of looking at this is to say that for certain
generic algorithms the parameter type has to have a specific
structure, which can be a map or a slice or a tuple with
certain named or structured components. IMHO even if we can
not think of specific examples, exceptions should not be
made unless there absolutely necessary. Exceptions are
opposite of genericity.

The key idea for generic algorithms is to specify only the
*essential* details (or properties) and abstract away any
inessential details.

The "contract" construct seems to be a way of specifying
these essential details. But I too think contracts do this
"by example" and in a rather roundabout way. I think there
may be a way out but need to think about it some more before
talking about it.

And I would much prefer "contract" to imply stronger
guarantees, something associated with correctness!

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