Hey all,

Today I've seen a lot of messages re: concerns about adding new keywords
and breaking backwards compatibility. People have floated a couple
approaches to avoiding breakage. But I feel like all of them that I've
seen so far will make code confusing. I'd like to propose an
alternative, which doesn't perfectly preserve backwards compatibility,

1. Allows go 1 and go 2 to be mixed, provided they're in different
source files, and
2. Has a clear and trivial upgrade path that can be automated, and
can also be done incrementally in a non-disruptive fashion.

Here's the idea:  the first Go release that includes the new
keywords introduces a new specially-recognized comment, something

// go:keywords 2

This comment can be used to control which version of the language
source file is interpreted as. So to opt into the new features, a source
can add that comment to a source file.

At the top. Other source files will continue to treat the new keywords
as identifiers.

Note that since the keywords are all lower-case, this won't cause
problems with interoperability at the API level; any Go 1 package
that currently uses one of these keywords as an identifier only
does so privately, so Go 2 code can still import those packages and
not run into problems with not being able to specify a name in the

When we finally release "Go 2.0," the only backwards-incompatible
change we make is that that the default is to use the new keywords, and
we add another specially-recognized comment:

// go:keywords 1

which causes the keywords to be treated as identifiers, as in Go 1.

We could also add a flag to go build, so that  users wanting to build an
old Go 1 codebase can just run:

go build -go1

And everything will just work. Updating to the new version is easy and
can be done incrementally: just rename any variables that collide with
the keyword.



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