On Fri, Jan 18, 2019, 12:36 AM Francis Chuang <f21.gro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> I was wondering if I can get some ideas on how to solve this dependency
> problem with Go modules. I am using Go 1.11.4 on Linux (Windows Subsystem
> for Linux to be exact).
> The first part of the problem is that for one of my libraries, I am
> importing github.com/hashicorp/vault/api, which is an api client to
> access Vault servers. This package is pretty thin and does not contain a
> lot of dependencies. However, the root project at
> github.com/hashicorp/vault has quite a few dependencies.
> If I delete the current go.mod and go.sum files in my library and start
> from scratch:
> - I run go mod init github.com/username/mylibrary
> - I then run go mod tidy to add missing packages to my go.mod and generate
> a go.sum
> Go mod imports the Vault repository at its root (
> github.com/hashicorp/vault) as expected. Unfortunately, this pulls in a
> lot of subdependencies and I have a ton of indirect dependencies in my
> go.mod and go.sum. This is not unexpected of course as this is how go
> modules work. Unfortunately, this does slow down continuous integration
> builds and is probably not great for Github and VCS hosts as each build
> pulls in all of these unneeded dependencies.
> The second problem is that 2 of Vault's subdependencies (not sure how
> deep) is labix.org/v2/mgo and launchpad.net/gocheck. These are bazaar
> repos, so they necessitate the installation of the bzr tool. In my library,
> I added the following to my go.mod to force it to pull from the Github
> repos:
> replace labix.org/v2/mgo => github.com/go-mgo/mgo
> v0.0.0-20160801194620-b6121c6199b7
> replace launchpad.net/gocheck => github.com/go-check/check
> v0.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127
> This works great for running tests in the username/mylibrary repo as I no
> longer need to install bzr when running my CI builds. However, if I create
> another project such as github.com/username/some-project and import
> username/mylibrary, go mod will attempt to download launchpad.net/gocheck
> and labix.org/v2/mgo from the original bazaar repos when running go test
> and other commands.These causes errors such as `go:
> labix.org/v2/mgo@v0.0.0-20140701140051-000000000287: bzr branch
> --use-existing-dir https://launchpad.net/mgo/v2 . in
> /go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/ca61c737a32b1e09a0919e15375f9c2b6aa09860cc097f1333b3c3d29e040ea8:
> exec: "bzr": executable file not found in $PATH `. This is quite annoying
> and I'd like to avoid having to add those `replace` statements in the
> go.mod of projects that consume the mylibrary package. In addition,
> consumers of my library would need to install bazaar (which most people
> probably won't have installed).
> The 2 options I have thought of are:
> 1. Ask the Vault team to extract the api package into a separate
> repository. I am not sure how likely they would be interested in doing
> this, but I am guessing it would be quite low.
> 2. Make a copy of the api package and copy it directly into my library.
> This is something I am hoping to avoid as much as possible, because I'd
> like to use go modules to manage my dependencies.
> Are there any other options I've missed?

I'm not yet well versed in modules since I use them in a very simple way
and I vendor. But is it also supported as an option to make /api a "sub
module" by adding another go.mod at that level?
If that is possible then it is way less intrusive of a change than
splitting it into another repo.

That aside, I don't know if that would help too much in this case because I
don't think Go modules differentiates between test and non test when
collecting dependencies. If the api tests have deps, they will get
collected I think. Even the non test files have some deps anyways. Might be
nice if there were a Go modules option to skip scanning tests.

Anyways just throwing that out there until someone more informed that me

> Cheers,
> Francis
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