I still can't find anything "authoritative and unambiguous" on this.  
Therefore apps are going to be released with bugs in them.  Can someone 
please say specifically when it is _not_ safe to use 64-bit atomic 

When it is unsafe on a 64-bit OS?
When it is unsafe on a 32-bit OS?


On Sunday, February 5, 2017 at 4:34:05 AM UTC+13, Axel Wagner wrote:
> I find this an inappropriate answer. Yes, they need care, but it should at 
> least be possible to figure out how to use them from reading documentation 
> (carefully). I tend to agree, that neither the spec nor the documentation 
> of the atomic package is particularly helpful about these questions; at 
> least I fail to read them in a way that unambiguously answers them.
> Without an authoritative and unambiguous description about what is 
> guaranteed it is impossible to implement this robustly and if the spec 
> isn't sufficiently unambiguous, it's natural to ask questions. Saying "you 
> are not supposed to use them, unless you know how to use them" is, in 
> context of all of this, just shutting people out.
> FWIW, I read the spec 
> <https://golang.org/ref/spec#Size_and_alignment_guarantees>, Dave 
> Cheney's blog post <https://dave.cheney.net/2015/10/09/padding-is-hard> 
> about padding, the therein referenced #599 <https://golang.org/issue/599> and 
> the atomic-documentation <https://godoc.org/sync/atomic#pkg-note-bug>, I 
> find the whole situation still somewhat confusing. To try to interpret all 
> of this and answer OPs question:
> I believe, that fields do not necessarily need to be properly aligned 
> (explaining 599). However, *structs* have a necessary alignment, as 
> required by their fields. So, if you do
> type S struct {
>     A uint32
>     B uint64
> }
> then there is no guarantee, that B is 64-bit aligned. The spec tells us, 
> that unsafe.Alignof(s.A) will return 4 ("The functions Alignof and Sizeof 
> take an expression x of any type and return the alignment or size, 
> respectively, of a hypothetical variable v as if v was declared via var v = 
> x", s.A is of type uint32 and such a variable has alignment 4), 
> unsafe.Alignof(s.B) will return 8 and thus, unsafe.Alignof(s) will return 8 
> ("For a variable x of struct type: unsafe.Alignof(x) is the largest of all 
> the values unsafe.Alignof(x.f) for each field f of x, but at least 1").
> This means, that the compiler needs to align S on 64 bits. Now, #599 tells 
> us, that on some archs s.B will *not* be 64 bit aligned. This is in 
> accordance with the spec though, as confusing as that seems; the spec says 
> only, how *a variable of the same type *as s.B must be aligned, not how 
> s.B itself must be aligned (this is, where the confusion stems from). So a 
> compiler might or might not insert padding.
> What all of this means, I believe, is
> * The atomic-documentation (maybe?) tells you, that the first field in a 
> struct can be relied upon to be aligned. It says "the first word", though, 
> and from what I can tell, there is nothing preventing a compiler to insert 
> arbitrary padding at the beginning of a struct, technically speaking.
> * Thus you can guarantee that s.B is 8-byte aligned, by switching the 
> fields around
> * Thus, your question about the embedding of expvar.Float seems to be 
> "yes, it's safe", as the struct itself must be 64-bit aligned, even if 
> embedded, and the 64-bit field is the only one contained
> * Your question about WaitGroup seems to be answerable by referring to the 
> fact, that *technically *the noCopy field could misalign the data. But I 
> tend to agree, that this reading would allow us to use a uint64, if we 
> switch noCopy and state. Dave Cheney's blog post about padding wouldn't 
> create technical problems here, because noCopy isn't the last field, thus 
> gets no storage allocated…
> * Also, all of that reading seems to suggest that there really is no 
> reliable, guaranteed way, to have multiple fields with a guaranteed 
> alignment. So, if you need multiple variables to be accessed by atomics, 
> you are out of luck.
> Now, all of that being said, my reading could also be wrong. In any case, 
> in my opinion, the fact that there is considerable guesswork involved, 
> seems to suggest, that the spec is either ambiguous or insufficient to 
> actually allow safe usage of atomics. It would be nice, if it could be a 
> bit more explicit about what happens to fields. I understand, though, that 
> we don't want to restrict too much the flexibility of a compiler to insert 
> padding. But maybe a guarantee about the first field (not "word", what does 
> that even mean?) of a struct being aligned, even the first fields (plural), 
> if they all have the same alignment as the struct, would be clear enough 
> *and* compatible with what compilers are already doing.
> On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Lars Seipel <lars....@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 04, 2017 at 01:30:49AM -0800, T L wrote:
>> > Get it. This is quite bug prone to write programs on 64bit OSes and the
>> > programs are expected to run on 32bit OSes too.
>> Well, there's a reason the sync/atomic package docs have this statement
>> right at the top:
>> > These functions require great care to be used correctly. Except for 
>> special,
>> > low-level applications, synchronization is better done with channels or 
>> the
>> > facilities of the sync package.
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