I quoted 3 explanation about a deadlock from 3 websites. The idea of the 
deadlock in golang and the explanations are the same or similar or 

A deadlock is a situation in which two computer programs sharing the same 
resource are effectively preventing each other from accessing the resource, 
resulting in both programs ceasing to function. 

In general computing, a deadlock is a situation where two different 
programs or processes depend on one another for completion, either because 
both are using the same resources or because of erroneous cues or other 

There was a time where operating systems were only able to execute a single 
process at a time, thus giving full system resource and attention to that 
one single process. Nowadays operating systems can handle multiple tasks at 
once, but sometimes they have to deal with a problem known as a deadlock. A 
deadlock occurs when there is at least one process, who is waiting for 
resources to be released by another process, in order to finish a task 

2019年1月29日火曜日 17時55分17秒 UTC+9 伊藤和也:
> I know the general meaning of a deadlock, but I don't know the meaning of 
> a deadlock in golang. For example, I send 4 values to a buffered channel 
> whose maxmum size is 3 and a deadlock occurs. I think this is just "values 
> are out of bounds" like array. What does a deaklock mean in golang?
> func main() {
>    ch1 := make(chan int, 3)
>    ch1<- 10
>    ch1<- 20
>    ch1<- 30
>    ch1<- 40
> }
> fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

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