On Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 9:51:17 PM UTC+3, Michael Jones wrote:
> Serhat, some ideas for you...
> https://play.golang.org/p/7QPy5wa-9eO

Interestingly I found out input iteration order does matter :) 15,33 shift 
version yields an amazing number of collisions (7_910_886_368 collisions 
over 7_918_845_952 inputs) when fed with a spesific 6-byte sequence 
rotate-27 version interestingly gave no collisions for this case. prime 
version also had no collisions. prime version with ^= and -= instead of += 
also gave no collision.

I want to identify a collision on the prime version (any variant ^= -= +=) 
with small inputs, say sum of lengths <= 12. Does anyone have any idea how 
to identify such inputs?
So far prime version seems to be the most promising (in terms of high 
minimum sum of collding inputs)..


Note: Thanks Damian, it looks like an advanced test suite for cryto hashes, 
though text input tests seems limited.

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Attachment: txt2int3.go
Description: Binary data

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