Poking around the golang's net/http I came across this thing.

var (
 bufioReaderPool   sync.Pool
 bufioWriter2kPool sync.Pool
 bufioWriter4kPool sync.Pool


func newBufioReader(r io.Reader) *bufio.Reader {
 if v := bufioReaderPool.Get(); v != nil {
 br := v.(*bufio.Reader)
 return br
 // Note: if this reader size is ever changed, update
 // TestHandlerBodyClose's assumptions.
 return bufio.NewReader(r)

func putBufioReader(br *bufio.Reader) {

github link 

There seems to be bufioReaderPool variable which is never initialized with 
the sync.Pool's New method. newBufioReader function is using that pool, but 
all the bufio.NewReaders are always being allocated and they are not being 

What is the intended behaviour here?

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