
I have a json data  in mongodb in the format be bellow, i need help to 
access the data using
the  "nfinstanceID" which is a uuid string ID part of an api request for 
example example


The api route is of the form 

instead of using "bson.ObjectId". My struct is in the format 

type NfInstance struct {
ID             bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
ValidityPeriod int           `json:"validityPeriod" bson:"validityPeriod"`
NfInstanceID   string        `json:"nfinstanceID" bson:"nfinstanceID"`
        SNssais        []Snssai      `json:"sNssais" bson:"sNssais"` 
        NfServices     []Service     `json:"nfServices" bson:"nfServices"`

type Service struct {
ServiceInstanceID string    `json:"serviceInstanceId" 
Versions          []Version `json:"versions" bson:"versions"`

type Version struct {
APIVersionInURI string    `json:"apiVersionInUri" bson:"apiVersionInUri"`

type Snssai struct {
Sst int32 `json:"sst"`

// Fuctions are 

// Find a instance by its id
func (m *NfInstanceDataAccess) FindById(id string) (NfInstance, error) {
var nfinstance NfInstance
err := db.C(COLLECTION).FindId(bson.ObjectIdHex(id)).One(&nfinstance)
return nfinstance, err


// Handler function
func NfInstancebyIdGet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

vars := mux.Vars(r)
id := vars["nfinstanceID"]

nfinstance, err := da.FindById(id)
if err != nil {
respondWithError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid nfinstance ID")

respondWithJson(w, http.StatusOK, nfinstance)

Using this functions work but i would like to access the data not using 
 bson.ObjectId but rather "nfinstanceID" part.
Completely new to golang. 
Thanks in advance!!


        "id": "5c6c238dfdde24520f7b1b69",
        "validityPeriod": 1,
        "nfinstanceID": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afaa",
        "heartBeatTimer": 0,
        "nfType": "string",
        "nfStatus": [
        "sNssais": [
                "sst": 0,
                "sd": "string"
        "nsiList": [
        "nfServices": [
                "serviceInstanceId": "string",
                "versions": [
                        "apiVersionInUri": "http://{apiRoot}/v1/xxx";,
                        "apiFullVersion": "string",
                        "expiry": "2019-02-03T14:08:56.65+02:00"

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