When you say you only have read permissions, I assume you mean on the 
database server. Surely the application could generate and run a ticker or 
triggers to update the index when (some number of) changes are made on 
these tables (in some DBMS systems you could subscribe to notifications of 
updates on a specific database and/or table. Also, yes, if this is a 
frequent need in the application the database can specifically be told to 
create indices for the data, depending on the system in question, but this 
will obviously be distant from your field of influence.

It looks to me like you have a pretty fixed set of matching criteria so an 
index could return the subset very quickly. The Badger database is a good 
choice for creating the indices as you can easily encapsulate some part of 
the search index in the keys, which can optionally held in memory for super 
fast access, or at least in the case of Badger the key and value logs are 
separated so even on disk it's still faster if you can add something 
searchable to the keys with, while not overly reducing write speed.

On Tuesday, 26 February 2019 07:08:00 UTC+1, RZ wrote:
> Thanks Tamas,
> Query itself is slow if i include all url strings. it takes about 10 mins. 
> But when i hit one at a time, i see better response overall. Yes so was 
> planning on running them in parallel.
> We only have read permissions and hence i am not allowed to add new index, 
> but good idea, will try reaching out to Admin and see if they can add this.
> i have not tried that way of similar to, will try that as well.
> On Tuesday, 26 February 2019 00:36:26 UTC+5:30, Tamás Gulácsi wrote:
>> How fast is the query? You can make it parallel, but if it is sliw, the 
>> you have to target that first.
>> How big is the set of one user's all urls? How fast is to get this? Maybe 
>> adding some indexes may help
>> How fast is the query with one pattern only? Maybe combining them into a 
>> "similar to '%(abc|def|ghi)%'" would be faster?

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