On Sun, Mar 3, 2019 at 11:02 PM <durgasomeswararao...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it possible to use go vet <project> as go tool vet <project>. With go vet 
> it is giving no go source files, to use vet tool every time i have to go 
> different paths. Is there any way to use go vet as go tool vet. With go tool 
> vet I can be able to see log of all the folders at  a time and no need to go 
> each and every folder. Currently, I am using go 1.12 which no supporting go 
> tool vet command.

As the release notes say, `go tool vet` is no longer supported
(https://golang.org/doc/go1.12#vet).  But `go vet` does support
passing file paths, and it does support checking directory trees with
`go vet a/b/...`.


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