Begin by implementing a `net.Listener` which checks the list of allowed IPs.
You'll be able to run code before the connection is passed on to crypto/tls.
Wrap it using

On 3/15/19 2:10 PM, Glen Huang wrote:
> I'm trying to limit which clients are allowed to connect to my tls server 
> by their IPs.
> I know I can do that after Accept, check their IPs and close the connection 
> if they're not whitelisted. But that means the full tls handshake has to 
> complete before I can do that.
> Another option is that I can use nftables to whitelist clients at the 
> kernel level. But to do that, I either have to spawn a subprocess to call 
> nft, which is kinda slow or use google/nftables that isn't production ready 
> yet (also missing some features I need).
> Is there anyway I can drop the tls connection when a client sends SYN?
> Thanks in advance.

Andrei Tudor Călin

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