
I see a regression on speed with sorty <https://github.com/jfcg/sorty> 
tests (go test -short -gcflags '-B -s' -ldflags '-s -w') on my Intel Core 
i5-4210M laptop (also sortutil became faster, zermelo float became much 

with *go 1.12.1*

Sorting uint32
sortutil took 18.64s
zermelo took 10.92s
sorty-2 took 17.10s
sorty-3 took 14.22s
sorty-4 took 12.36s
sorty-5 took 12.10s

Sorting float32
sortutil took 18.03s
zermelo took 14.57s
sorty-2 took 19.27s
sorty-3 took 15.82s
sorty-4 took 13.93s
sorty-5 took 13.90s

with *go 1.11.6* (consistent with 1.11.5)

Sorting uint32
sortutil took 25.18s
zermelo took 10.93s
sorty-2 took 15.85s
sorty-3 took 13.05s
sorty-4 took 11.27s
sorty-5 took 11.05s

Sorting float32
sortutil took 23.69s
zermelo took 8.89s
sorty-2 took 19.25s
sorty-3 took 15.42s
sorty-4 took 13.19s
sorty-5 took 13.09s

On Friday, March 15, 2019 at 12:13:07 AM UTC+3, Katie Hockman wrote:
> Hello gophers,
> We have just released Go versions 1.12.1 and 1.11.6, minor point releases.
> These releases include fixes to cgo, the compiler, the go command,
> and the fmt, net/smtp, os, path/filepath, sync, and template packages.
> View the release notes for more information:
>     https://golang.org/doc/devel/release.html#go1.12.minor
> You can download binary and source distributions from the Go web site:
>     https://golang.org/dl/
> To compile from source using a Git clone, update to the release with
> "git checkout go1.12.1" and build as usual.
> Thanks to everyone who contributed to the release.
> Cheers,
> Katie for the Go team

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