You can see it doesn't wait by adding a counter as seen here:

On 02/05/2019 21:09, Louki Sumirniy wrote:
I have been spending my time today getting my knowledge of this subject adequate enough to use channels for a UDP transport with FEC creating sharded pieces of the packets, and I just found this and played with some of the code on it and I just wanted to mention these things:

In the code, specifically first section of this article, I found that the sync.WaitGroup stuff can be completely left out. The quit channel immediately unblocks the select when it is closed and 100 of the goroutines immediately stop. Obviously in a real situation you would put cleanup code in the finish clauses of the goroutines, but yeah, point is the waitgroup is literally redundant in this code:

package main

import (

func main() {
const n = 100
finish := make(chan bool)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go func() {
select {
case <-time.After(1 * time.Hour):
case <-finish:
t0 := time.Now()
close(finish) // closing finish makes it ready to receive
fmt.Printf("Waited %v for %d goroutines to stop\n", time.Since(t0), n)

The original version uses waitgroups but you can remove them as above and it functions exactly the same. Presumably it has lower overhead from the mutex not being made and propagating to each thread when it finishes a cycle.

It really seems to me like for this specific case, the use of the property of a closed channel to yield zero completely renders a waitgroup irrelevant.

What I'm curious about is, what reasons would I have for not wanting to use this feature of closed channels as a stop signal versus using a waitgroup?

On Thursday, 2 May 2019 16:20:26 UTC+2, Louki Sumirniy wrote:

    It's not precisely the general functionality that I will implement
    for my transport, but here is a simple example of a classifier
    type processing queue:

    This processes a series of sequential integers and pops them into
    an array to find the highest factor of a given range of numbers.
    The code I will write soon is slightly different, as, obviously,
    that above there is not technically a queue. This code shows how
    to make a non-deadlocking processing queue, however.

    Adding an actual queue like for my intended purpose of bundling
    packets with a common uuid is not much further, instead of just
    dropping the integers into their position in the slice, it
    iterates them as each item is received to find a match, if it
    doesn't find enough, then it puts the item back at the end of the
    search on the queue and waits for the next new item to arrive.
    I'll be writing that shortly.

    For that, I think the simple example would use an RNG to generate
    numbers within the specified range, and then for the example, it
    will continue to accumulate numbers in the buffer until a
    recurrance occurs, then the numbers are appended to  the array and
    this index is ignored when another one comes in later. That most
    closely models what I am building.

    On Thursday, 2 May 2019 13:26:47 UTC+2, Louki Sumirniy wrote:

        Yeah, I was able to think a bit more about it as I was falling
        asleep later and I realised how I meant it to run. I had to
        verify that indeed channels are FIFO queues, as that was the
        basis of this way of using them.

        The receiver channel is unbuffered, and lives in one
        goroutine. When it receives something it bounces it into the
        queue and for/range loops through the content of a fairly
        big-buffered working channel where items can collect while
        they are fresh, and upon arrival of a new item the new item is
        checked for a match against the contents of the queue, as well
        as kicking out stale data (and recording the uuid of the stale
        set so it can be immediately dumped if any further packets got
        hung up and come after way too long.

        This differs a lot from the loopy design I made in the OP. In
        this design there is only to threads instead of three. I think
        the geometry of a channel pattern is important - specifically,
        everything needs to be done in pairs with channels, although
        maybe sometimes you want it too receive but not need it to
        send it anywhere, just store/drop, as the algorithm requires.

        I still need to think through the design a bit more. Like,
        perhaps the queue channel *should* be a pair of one-direction
        channels so one is the main fifo and the other side each item
        is taken off the queue, processed, and then put back into the
        stream. Ordering is not important, except that it is very
        handy that it is a FIFO because this means if I have a buffer
        with some number, and get a new item, put it into the buffer
        queue, and then the queue unpacks the newest item last. I
        think I could make it like this, actually:

        one channel inbound receiver, it passes into a buffered queue
        channel, and triggers the passing out of buffered items from
        the head of the queue to watcher 1, 2, 3, each watcher process
        being a separate process that may swallow or redirect the
        contents. For each new UUID item that comes in, a single
        thread could be started that keeps reading, checking and (re)
        directing the input as it passes out of the buffer and through
        the watchers. Something like this:

        input -> buffer[64] -> (watcher 1) -> (watcher 2) -> buffer [64]

        With this pattern I could have a new goroutine spawn for each
        new UUID that marks out a batch, that springs a deadline tick
        and when the deadline hits the watcher's buffer is cleared and
        the goroutine ends, implementing expiry, and the UUID is
        attached to a simple buffered channel that keeps the last 100
        or so UUIDs and uses it to immediately identify stale junk
        (presumably the main data type in the other channels is
        significantly bigger data than the UUID integer - my intent is
        that the data type should be a UDP packet so that means it is
        size restricted and contains something arbitrary that watchers
        detect, decode and respond to.

        It's a work in progress, but I know from previous times
        writing code dealing with simple batch/queue problems like
        this, that the Reader/Writer pattern is most often used and
        requires a lot of slice fiddling implemented using
        arrays/slices, but a buffered channel, being a FIFO, is a
        queue buffer, so it can be used to store (relatively) ordered
        items that age as they get to the head of the queue, and allow
        a check-pass on each item.

        These checkers can 'return' to the next in line so the
        checker-queue, so to speak, also has to be stored in some form
        of state. This could be done by having that first receiver
        channel check first the list of fresh UUIDs firstly, which
        would be a map linking to the bundles that are made out of
        them, and matches are pulled out of the buffer queue and
        attached to the bundles, which are processed when they have
        the required minimum pieces or the thread times out, adds the
        UUID to the stale list/queue, and so on.

        Attaching new watchers to the chain simply means changing the
        destination of the last watcher in the queue from the return
        to the buffer, to the input of the new watcher. When a watcher
        times out it signals its predecessor with its successor's
        location and the stale item is deleted from the watchers list.

        It's going to be done... I probably need to look at some
        transport implementations in Go for some other clues, this was
        just my idea of how to build a minimum latency batching system
        for receiving error-redundancy UDP packets encoded with reed
        solomon encoding, with the main end-goal being to have
        delivery of the data with a minimum of delay. The design I
        just sketched out allows for a lot of parallelisation with the
        'watcher' processes, but managing that chain of receivers is
        obviously going to be some kind of overhead.

        After a little thought I think I know how to implement the
        multi-watcher filter queue - when a watcher expires, and it's
        specific UUID is stale, it sends that in a message to its
        upline, containing the expiring thread's subsequent queue
        member (next in queue in direction of flow), which then
        redirects its output to bypass the stale thread, which can
        then terminate once it is no longer in the filter queue.

        On Thursday, 2 May 2019 10:30:28 UTC+2, Øyvind Teig wrote:

            Hi, Louki Sumirniy

            This is not really a response to your problem in
            particular, so it may totally miss your target. It's been
            a while since I did anything in this group. However, it's
            a response to the use of buffered channels. It's a
            coincidence that I react to your posting (and not the
            probably hundreds of others over the years where this
            comment may have been relevant). But I decided this
            morning to actually look into one of the group update
            mails, and there you were!

            In a transcript from [1] Rob Pike says that

            “Now for those experts in the room who know about buffered
            channels in Go – which exist – you can create a channel
            with a buffer. And buffered channels have the property
            that they don’t synchronise when you send, because you can
            just drop a value in the buffer and keep going. So they
            have different properties. And they’re kind of subtle.
            They’re very useful for certain problems, but you don’t
            need them. And we’re not going to use them at all in our
            examples today, because I don’t want to complicate life by
            explaining them.”

            I don't know if that statement is still valid, and I would
            not know whether your example is indeed one of the
            "certain problems" where you have got the correct usage.
            In that case, my comments below would be of less value in
            this concrete situation. Also, whether there is a more
            generic library in Go now that may help getting rid of
            buffered channels. Maybe even an output into a
            zero-buffered channel in a select with a timeout will do.

            If you fill up a channel with data you would often need
            some state to know about what is in the channel. If it's a
            safety critical implementation you may not want to just
            drop the data into the channel and forget. If you need to
            restart the comms in some way you would need to flush the
            channel, without easily knowing what you are flushing. The
            message "fire in 1 second if not cancelled" comes through
            but you would not know that the "cancel!" message was what
            you had to flush in the channel. In any case, a full
            channel would be blocking anyhow - so you would have to
            take care of that. Or alternatively _know_ that the
            consumer always stays ahead of the buffered channel, which
            may be hard to know.

            I guess there are several (more complex?) concurrency
            patterns available that may be used instead of the
            (simple?) buffered channel:

            All of the patterns below would use synchronised
            rendezvous with zero-buffered channels that would let a
            server goroutine (task, process) never have to block to
            get rid of its data. After all, that's why one would use a
            buffered channel; so that one would not need to block. All
            of the below patterns move data, but I guess there may be
            patterns for moving access as well (like mobile channels).
            All would also be deadlock free.

            The Overflow Buffer pattern uses a composite goroutine
            consisting of two inner goroutines. One Input that always
            accepts data and one Output that blocks to output, and in
            between there is a channel with Data one direction that
            never blocks and a channel with Data-sent back. If the
            Input has not got the Data-sent back then there is an
            overflow that may be handled by user code. See [2], figure 3.

            Then there are the Knock-Come pattern [3] and a pattern
            like the XCHAN [4]. In the latter's appendix a Go solution
            is discussed.

            - - -

            [1] Rob Pike: "Go concurrency patterns":
            <> at
            Google I/O 2012. Discussed in [5]

            Disclaimer: there are no ads, no gifts, no incoming
            anything with my blog notes, just fun and expenses:

            - See Figure 3


            - XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type


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