Hi Folks,

When upgrading our build container from 1.11.10 to 1.12.5, some of our 
tests failed in a surprising way.  I've boiled down the issue to this short 
example code fragment.

package main

// #include <string.h>
// struct S { unsigned char data[18]; };
import "C"
import "unsafe"

func main() {
var array [5]C.struct_S
for i := range array {
C.memset(unsafe.Pointer(&array[i].data[0]), 0xff, C.sizeof_struct_S)
for i := range array {
for j := range array[i].data {
if array[i].data[j] != C.uchar(0xff) {

Under 1.11 this runs to completion; under 1.12 it panics.

Debugging and instrumenting shows that the problem is the first argument to 
memset is not what one would expect when run under 1.12.  (The address of a 
heap temporary copy rather than the original perhaps?)

Strangely, either parenthesising the argument expression to the address 
operand ("&(array[i].data[0])") or removing the final index expression 
("&array[i].data") "fixes" the problem.

I've spelunked through the AST (identical under both); the liveness and 
escape analysis (different); the parse tree (different); and the go asm 
(different).  Frankly, my gc-fu is very weak and I don't really know what 
I'm looking for.

I assume that the root cause is that we were violating some sort of 
liveness or escape policy, but I can't figure out what it would be (or why 
minor syntactic changes "fix" things).  I'd be quite curious to know.

The workaround in the real code is simple, so this isn't a huge issue, just 
a a bit of a mystery.


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