On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 11:39 AM <luka.ve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am pretty sure that every folder in a Go code repository creates one binary 
> object, maybe two with a test package alongside it. It just didn't occur to 
> me that it would not trace the execution path of the main, and where each of 
> the closures/function references in this case are stored in a 
> map[string]*functype.
> If there could be an optimisation that omits them that would be cool but I 
> wasn't really thinking about it that way when I posted about it but more just 
> that 1 package = 1 module = 1 object. I unfortunately never had as much time 
> as I wanted when I first found Oberon to have already learned this.
> No, just more highlighting the correspondence between binaries and the folder 
> tree as it replaces a makefile.
> I could probably avoid splitting the packages if I used tags but they are not 
> so easy to deal with and I'd rather learn the lesson of structuring. Plus 
> when I started I had in mind all-in-one and not to be able to split things. I 
> previously ran into another gotcha you can get when you start out to write a 
> main package and then realise you want to be able to integrate its types and 
> methods into another package. I would just say that maybe it would be a good 
> thing to put at the beginning of a course or tutorial to highlight this 
> pervasive but invisible factor when building software and how it creates a 
> lot of work when you don't think in terms of modules and get stuck in the 
> monolithic mindset.

Sorry, I'm not really sure what you mean.

That said, the linker does discard functions that are never
referenced.  But it does not in general discard methods that are never
referenced, because that is very hard to detect.  Code can use the
reflect package to get a reflect.Value of that type, and can then call
methods using reflect.Value.Method.  So it's difficult in general to
know whether a method is used or not.


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