On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 4:33 PM <ju...@sqreen.io> wrote:
> I would like to make sure that the following line of Go is a defined behavior:
>  addr := (*unsafe.Pointer)((unsafe.Pointer)(&ptr))
> I use it to perform atomic loads and stores to addr such as in this simple 
> example: https://play.golang.org/p/DpDrRvTYMG8
> It allows me not to use atomic.Value which performs two atomic operations and 
> possible disable preemption 
> (https://golang.org/src/sync/atomic/value.go?s=1233:1269#L35).

Yes, that operation is defined.  As documented at
https://golang.org/pkg/unsafe, you can use unsafe.Pointer to convert
from a pointer to one type to a pointer to a different type.


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