Hi all,

We develop an open source program for consumers that has a reasonably large 
usage within its niche, on a mix of operating systems and platforms. Recently 
we enabled crash reporting to get panic traces back from cooperating users. 
With that we've discovered a bunch of panics of our own creation, plus a lot of 
noise in terms of fatal errors outside of our control -- typically users 
running out of memory or threads.

There remains a lot of "unexplained" oddness however, some of which I'm sure is 
attributable to hardware errors (bad RAM/CPU/etc). It's hard to be sure either 
way, but we get a lot of stacks. The list below is a (probably non-exhaustive) 
selection of crashes from the last week or so that are odd in my mind:

  *   fatal error: defer on system stack
  *   fatal error: fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution
  *   fatal error: found bad pointer in Go heap (incorrect use of unsafe or 
cgo?) (this could be ours, though we have no cgo I'm sure there is unsafe deep 
in the dependencies)
  *   fatal error: gc: unswept span
  *   fatal error: malloc deadlock
  *   fatal error: mSpanList.insertBack
  *   fatal error: non in-use span in unswept list
  *   fatal error: out of memory allocating heap arena metadata (I guess this 
is just a niche case of OOM)
  *   fatal error: runtime: stack split at bad time
  *   fatal error: runtime.newosproc (out of threads?)
  *   fatal error: runtimeĀ·unlock: lock count
  *   fatal error: s.allocCount != s.nelems && freeIndex == s.nelems
  *   fatal error: slice bounds out of range (deep in the malloc code)
  *   fatal error: stopm holding locks
  *   fatal error: sweep increased allocation count
  *   fatal error: sync: inconsistent mutex state
  *   fatal error: wirep: invalid p state
  *   panic: sync: inconsistent mutex state

I'm not going to spend any energy hunting these down or pester with bug 
reports, especially as I have no idea who the originating user is and no way to 
communicate with them or experiment. :) However, if there's anyone of you out 
there who think "Huh? That GC error should never happen, wonder what's going 
on?" I would be happy to forward a bunch of crashes for that particular crash 
or provide access to the crash database for searching.

(A limitation of our crash reporting is that output prior to the panic/fatal 
error is trimmed as potentially sensitive user data. This means we miss the 
description that some fatal-error crashes print before the "fatal error:" line. 
We might fix this at some point.)


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