Hi Go team,

It seems that the go1.12.10 and go1.13.1 tags are dangling/missing, it's 
not possible to do `git checkout go1.12.10` or `git checkout go1.13.1`



Le mercredi 25 septembre 2019 23:58:08 UTC+2, Filippo Valsorda a écrit :
> Hi gophers,
> We have just released Go 1.13.1 and Go 1.12.10 to address a recently 
> reported security issue. We recommend that all affected users update to one 
> of these releases (if you’re not sure which, choose Go 1.13.1).
> net/http (through net/textproto) used to accept and normalize invalid 
> HTTP/1.1 headers with a space before the colon, in violation of RFC 7230. 
> If a Go server is used behind an uncommon reverse proxy that accepts and 
> forwards but doesn't normalize such invalid headers, the reverse proxy and 
> the server can interpret the headers differently. This can lead to filter 
> bypasses or request smuggling 
> <https://portswigger.net/blog/http-desync-attacks-request-smuggling-reborn>, 
> the latter if requests from separate clients are multiplexed onto the same 
> upstream connection by the proxy. Such invalid headers are now rejected by 
> Go servers, and passed without normalization to Go client applications.
> The issue is CVE-2019-16276 and Go issue golang.org/issue/34540.
> Thanks to Andrew Stucki, Adam Scarr (99designs.com), and Jan Masarik 
> (masarik.sh) for discovering and reporting this issue.
> Downloads are available at https://golang.org/dl for all supported 
> platforms.
> Alla prossima,
> Filippo on behalf of the Go team

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