I have trying to write a function that will accept a string as an input and 
return another string in a slice but it not working. I have function that 
unmarshal udp response to a type AuthVectors and then append the type 
struct data into an array authVecSlice. Below is the code

type AuthVectors struct {

    MessageType string `json:"message_type"`

    IMSI        string `json:"IMSI"`

    RAND        string `json:"RAND"`

    XRES        string `json:"XRES"`

    AUTN        string `json:"AUTN"`


var imsistr = "244340000000011" 

var authVecSlice = make([]AuthVectors, 10)

func getAuthVec() {

    hostName := "localhost"

    portNum := "4343"

    service := hostName + ":" + portNum

    RemoteAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", service)

    conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, RemoteAddr)

    if err != nil {



    defer conn.Close()

    // write a message to server

    _, err = conn.Write([]byte(imsistr))

    if err != nil {



    // receive message from server

    buffer := make([]byte, 1024)

    i, _, err := conn.ReadFromUDP(buffer)


    err = json.Unmarshal(buffer[:i], &avs)

    if err != nil {



    authVecSlice = append(authVecSlice, avs)



The array out put is as follows

[{AUTN_PARAM 244340000000011 C98FC7C6DE9E1351A397D0AF99B6E890 
D857E39D57E5E6BE 8000...} {AUTN_PARAM 244340000000011 
211B025CB1CC8EE9CBB5FC7F56C1506B C9396A5AC7E68D62 31D...} {AUTN_PARAM 
244340000000011 7D2A8C6E6B5CA243278987DFAF7FC829 C9EE960D0F5A501A 7E8..} 

I would like to use the field RAND to search and return the corresponding 
XRES in the array. For example in the array is

{AUTN_PARAM 244340000000011 C98FC7C6DE9E1351A397D0AF99B6E890 
D857E39D57E5E6BE 8000...}

I would like to use the RAND value for example 
C98FC7C6DE9E1351A397D0AF99B6E890 as a search string and return its 
corresponding XRES D857E39D57E5E6BE.

func getXRES(a []AuthVectors, x interface{}) (xres string) {

    for _, v := range a {

        if x == v {

            xres := v.XRES

            return xres



    return "Item not found"


The problem for me is that the array value do not have key to be use to 
perform the search. All example I found involves the use of key to fetch 
the values. Any help

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