A map in Go is not ordered, so even the iteration is not the same between 
several iterations. You can see: https://blog.golang.org/go-maps-in-action
I suppose something similar occurs with objects in JS.

So, maybe you can iterate the map and output a slice and then sort the 
slice, that is maybe your currently approach.

On Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 7:45:34 AM UTC-5, Tad Vizbaras wrote:
> I have sizable Go WASM application that creates map[string]interface{} and 
> passes to JS or reads from JS library.
> Go maps do not have predefined key order. But JS has object property order 
> predictable in JavaScript objects since ES2015.
> Problem: when JS objects are transferred from JS into Go and back they key 
> order becomes scrambled.
> At this point I have a small fix inside JS application that simply 
> reorders keys coming from Go back into JS.
> A bit of a hack but works.
> Question: is there better solution?
> My environment:
> 1. Go 1.13.
> 2. Chrome and Edge browsers.
> 3. Windows 10 desktop 64bits.

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