
Thanks for the quick reply.  I had not considered the write barriers, but 
if the Go objects are "live" longer than the held in C, it would work.

I definitely agree that there are risks associated with this approach.  We 
are giving up some of the safety of Go.  Unfortunately, we are using cgo 
for more than some computation, so we have live objects in C as well, and 
so we cannot completely escape the manual memory management required.

What is the state of plans for a moving garbage collector?  This would 
definitely wreck havoc if any pointers to Go memory were held in C.



On Tuesday, 3 December 2019 22:39:35 UTC-5, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 7:20 PM Robert Johnstone <r.w.j...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > The section on passing pointer to C in the cgo documentation is quite 
> clear that letting C hold pointer to Go memory is not allowed.  I'd like to 
> better understand the limitation.  Frankly, because of the architecture of 
> a system I'm working on, the inability to transport pointers is 
> complicating matters. 
> > 
> > 1) The Go objects in question are certainly on the heap. 
> > 2) The references in C are not needed to maintain the lifetime of the Go 
> objects. 
> > 
> > My understanding is that the main reason for the restriction is that Go 
> might move to a moving garbage collector.  At the moment, unless there is 
> definite work on this, I'm inclined to break the rule and let the C code 
> hold onto pointers to Go memory.  However, before committing to this 
> approach, I'd like to make sure I haven't missed any other reasons for the 
> prohibition. 
> There is more background on this at 
> https://github.com/golang/proposal/blob/master/design/12416-cgo-pointers.md 
> . 
> The Go compiler compiles code to use a write barrier when storing 
> pointers to memory.  The C compiler obviously does not.  When storing 
> a Go pointer in C code, no write barrier is executed.  This can cause 
> the garbage collector to be confused about whether the pointer is 
> reachable.  In particular, it is absolutely critical that C code never 
> store a Go pointer into Go memory. 
> Still, while you have to be careful and I recommend against it, you 
> may be able to get away with letting C code hold onto Go pointers 
> across calls, in C memory.  The Go values must be in the heap, not the 
> stack.  The Go values must be kept alive by existing Go pointers. 
> But it's risky and I personally would never do it.  Much better, if 
> possible, to use a handle.  Store the Go pointer in a map on the Go 
> side, and pass the map key, an integer, to the C side.  Then the C 
> side can pass the integer back, and Go code look it up in the map to 
> fetch the pointer. 
> Ian 

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