On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 6:41 PM <ju...@sqreen.io> wrote:

>> > But I cannot find any way of assigning a value to the function pointer `f` 
>> > even using the `unsafe` package.
>> https://play.golang.org/p/qP5kuSCW6dO
> Thanks, unfortunately the asm shows that what gets into `f` is the stack 
> address of `f0` and not the address of the function:

Nothing unfortunate about it, that's a perfectly correct value. I
mentioned before that you don't want a pointer to a function but a
function value, that one is found in f0 in the example.

However, the value of f0 is _not_ the function's code address. Go
function values are a pointer to a variable length structure that
supports the closes over variables of the function.

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