I attached a minimal test program to reproduce an issue with 

It calls IDKey twice with the same parameters. The first call executes, but 
during the second call the program crashes.

Strange thing: The program does not always crash. If it crashes then I can 
call it multiple times in a row and it always crashes.
But then maybe if I try a few hours later it does not crash. And if I try 
it then again and again it will always work normally.

Another curious thing is that when it crashes it usually (but not always) 
kills the whole terminal emulator (gnome-terminal) with it.
I am running this on Fedora 31 64-bit (Intel Core i5-5200U).
strace shows at the end:

    +++ killed by SIGKILL +++

The crash happens somewhere in the argon2.processBlocks function.

Any ideas ? Should I open an issue on https://github.com/golang/go ?

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Attachment: main.go
Description: Binary data

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