On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 10:37 AM Vincent Blanchon
<blanchon.vinc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> @Jan, yes definitely. By the way, here are some numbers from a benchmark I 
> made with 20 constants:
> name                  time/op
> Stringer-4             4.16ns ± 2%
> StringerWithSwitch-4   3.81ns ± 1%
> StringerWithMap-4     28.60ns ± 2%

20 is a small number. In general, measuring things where one iteration
is in single digit nanoseconds can be misleading as discussed earlier.
The probably most important thing is how a chosen implementation
scales. To measure that, I suggest to make the number of the constants
in hundreds, if not thousands and having the loop exercise all the
paths, so the branch predictor cannot learn a single, happy one. In
any case, it's much safer to shift the time/op to at least
microseconds, otherwise the overhead of the test per se becomes
comparable to the measured thing and it just adds noise at minimum.

> @Pierre, the compilation check can also be done if we do not have a slice. In 
> my example with the switch, I still kept the compilation check.

I can't find any compile time check in your code (the one using the
switch) that can detect a constant has changed its value since
stringer was run.

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