On Mar 5, 2020, at 9:26 AM, Warren Stephens <wsteph...@prognoshealth.com> wrote:
> And I am saying Functions PLUS Structure.
> Functions remain.  Visible structure is added.

Right, and you can do your testing at the boundaries of those functions, 
because the structure is nothing but a shell (in most Step Lambda cases, just a 
state machine) that runs the lambdas.

That's what's also suggested for how one should structure Go code for 
testability; if you want to test something, it should be externally visible as 
part of the established, documented interfaces.  If you're trying to externally 
test function internals, you are inevitably setting yourself up for a lot more 
maintenance headaches down the road because the internals of a function are not 
(or should not be) subject to control by the specification.

Consider the testing approach defined by Cucumber (whose excellent Go 
implementation is available as "godog").  You can actually write the entire 
specification as a series of tests, if you wanted to. But the point is that it 
tests as a set of externally-observable behaviors, not relying on "this magic 
internal value should be set to this value".

It will save you a LOT of time in the end, even if it requires significant 
mental effort and dragging people along with you.  I spent the last year and a 
half trying to push changes like that at my org, and it was beginning to show 
tangible benefits right before the project got shut down for other reasons.  
Making your tests organized, consistent, readable and repeatable will make your 
life so much easier in the end, even if it seems insurmountable right now.

And if your org is resistant to spending the time necessary to clear away the 
technical debt that's been built up by (probably decades of) lax engineering 
approaches?  It's probably a sign that either you need to put your foot down 
more and/or sell it by noting that reduced defects means increased velocity and 
less embarrassing fires to put out, or you should start polishing your resume, 
because there are many orgs out there that will probably pay you more to do it 

- Dave

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