I learnt that,

the reason we have context(`P`) introduced in Goruntime, is that we can 
hand them off(it's LRQ of goroutines) to other OS thread(say `M0`), if the 
running OS thread(`M1`) needs to block for some reason.

[image: Untitled.png]


Above, we see a thread(`M1`) giving up its context so that another 
thread(`M0`) can run it. The Go scheduler makes sure there are enough 
threads to run all contexts(`P1`, `P2`, `P3` etc..).


Above model is `M:N` [threading 
where each OS thread(`M1`) running on CPU core(`C`) assigned a context(`P`) 
having `K` goroutines in it's LRQ.


`1:1` threading model, where each core(`C`) has one OS thread(`M`). 

Comparing above two threading models, context switching of go-routines(in 
`M:N` threading model) is much faster than context-switching of OS 
threads(in `1:1` threading model)


To understand the purpose of context(`P`),

what is the advantage of handing off context(`P1`) to other thread(say 
`M2`) running on core(`C2`)? 

Is the advantage about efficiency in re-using cache lines(L1/L2) on core 
`C2`, for the related set of goroutines sitting in LRQ of context(`P1`)?

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