
Why does the type of a parameter passed to another function changes?
For example:

func P(args ...interface{}) {
   print("\n", args)

func print(seperator string, args ...interface{}) {
   for _, arg := range args {
      fmt.Println("arg type: ", reflect.TypeOf(arg))

      str := ""
      switch v := arg.(type) {
      case byte:
         str = string(v)
      case rune:
         str = string(v)
      case int:
         str = strconv.Itoa(v)
      case int64:
         str = strconv.FormatInt(v, 10)
      case string:
         str = v
      out.WriteString(str + seperator)

Calling *P("one"[2]) *gives type as  *[]interface {}*
where as directly calling *print("one"[2]) *gives type as *byte*

*Why is it like this? *
*And any way i can achieve this without putting switch in P() function?*

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