On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 2:32 AM Sebastien Binet <d...@sbinet.org> wrote:
> the thing I am trying to solve is, basically, a generic way to:
> - pass a function with any number of parameters and a single return value
> - "bind" that function to a slice of pointers to values (that will point to, 
> e.g., values extracted from a db)
> - create a closure that returns the value from evaluating the function with 
> the bound paramaters.

As you've discovered, the current generics design draft does not
support a variadic list of type parameters.

That's something that might perhaps be added later, if we can figure
out how to do it.  There is some discussion of it starting at
https://github.com/golang/go/issues/15292#issuecomment-598775120 .


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