Hi all,

I'm pleased to finally announce SFTPGo 1.0.0!

SFTPGo is a free and open source fully featured and highly configurable 
SFTP server. It works on Linux, macOS and Windows.

Here are the main new features compared to 0.9.6 version:

- Support for SSH Multi-Step authentication.
- Support for SSH user certificate authentication.
- Improved virtual folders support: you can now share a folder among users 
and define different folder quota limits for each user.
- Examples external auth programs for LDAP authentication. 
- Added a pre-delete hook: you can implement features like a recycle bin. 
- Various performance improvements.
- Built-in SCP implementation is now enabled by default.
- S3 upload part size and concurrency are now configurable.
- Support for several build tags: you can now disable, at build time, the 
features you don't need so they will not be included in the resulting 
- Support for a complete CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions.

You can find the full list of features and the documentation on the project 


Binary releases for Linux, macOS and Windows are available:


If you want to suggest a new feature or you find a bug please open an issue 


Please note that SFTPGo uses a crypto/ssh fork to support the following 

- SSH Multi-Step authentication (https://github.com/golang/crypto/pull/130)
- AES-256-GCM cipher (https://github.com/golang/crypto/pull/127)
- Performance improvements replacing Go sha256 with minio/sha256-simd

Full code for the crypto/ssh fork is here:


We also use a pkg/sftp fork with the following, not yet merged, performance 


Yours sincerely,

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