Go has optimizing compilers and linkers which are constantly being improved.

The following example of your program reduces the call to test3 to

MOVQ $0x82, 0(SP)

where 0x82 = 130 = 42 * 3 + 4

$ cat xiecui.go
package main

func test3(a int) int {
    return a*3 + 4

func main() {
    a := 42
    t := test3(a)

$ go version
go version devel +758ac371ab Tue Aug 25 21:15:43 2020 +0000 linux/amd64

$ go build xiecui.go

$ ./xiecui

$ go tool compile -S xiecui.go > xiecui.compile

"".test3 STEXT nosplit size=19 args=0x10 locals=0x0 funcid=0x0
    0x0000 00000 (xiecui.go:3)    TEXT    "".test3(SB), 
NOSPLIT|ABIInternal, $0-16
    0x0000 00000 (xiecui.go:3)    FUNCDATA    $0, 
    0x0000 00000 (xiecui.go:3)    FUNCDATA    $1, 
    0x0000 00000 (xiecui.go:4)    MOVQ    "".a+8(SP), AX
    0x0005 00005 (xiecui.go:4)    LEAQ    (AX)(AX*2), AX
    0x0009 00009 (xiecui.go:4)    LEAQ    4(AX), AX
    0x000d 00013 (xiecui.go:4)    MOVQ    AX, "".~r1+16(SP)
    0x0012 00018 (xiecui.go:4)    RET
"".main STEXT size=77 args=0x0 locals=0x10 funcid=0x0
    0x0000 00000 (xiecui.go:7)    TEXT    "".main(SB), ABIInternal, $16-0
    0x0000 00000 (xiecui.go:7)    MOVQ    (TLS), CX
    0x0009 00009 (xiecui.go:7)    CMPQ    SP, 16(CX)
    0x000d 00013 (xiecui.go:7)    PCDATA    $0, $-2
    0x000d 00013 (xiecui.go:7)    JLS    70
    0x000f 00015 (xiecui.go:7)    PCDATA    $0, $-1
    0x000f 00015 (xiecui.go:7)    SUBQ    $16, SP
    0x0013 00019 (xiecui.go:7)    MOVQ    BP, 8(SP)
    0x0018 00024 (xiecui.go:7)    LEAQ    8(SP), BP
    0x001d 00029 (xiecui.go:7)    FUNCDATA    $0, 
    0x001d 00029 (xiecui.go:7)    FUNCDATA    $1, 
    0x001d 00029 (xiecui.go:10)    PCDATA    $1, $0
    0x001d 00029 (xiecui.go:10)    NOP
    0x0020 00032 (xiecui.go:10)    CALL    runtime.printlock(SB)
    0x0025 00037 (xiecui.go:10)    MOVQ    $130, (SP)
    0x002d 00045 (xiecui.go:10)    CALL    runtime.printint(SB)
    0x0032 00050 (xiecui.go:10)    CALL    runtime.printnl(SB)
    0x0037 00055 (xiecui.go:10)    CALL    runtime.printunlock(SB)
    0x003c 00060 (xiecui.go:11)    MOVQ    8(SP), BP
    0x0041 00065 (xiecui.go:11)    ADDQ    $16, SP
    0x0045 00069 (xiecui.go:11)    RET
    0x0046 00070 (xiecui.go:11)    NOP
    0x0046 00070 (xiecui.go:7)    PCDATA    $1, $-1
    0x0046 00070 (xiecui.go:7)    PCDATA    $0, $-2
    0x0046 00070 (xiecui.go:7)    CALL    runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
    0x004b 00075 (xiecui.go:7)    PCDATA    $0, $-1
    0x004b 00075 (xiecui.go:7)    JMP    0

$ go tool objdump xiecui > xiecui.objdump

TEXT main.main(SB) /home/peter/Sync/gopath/mod/nuts/xiecui.go
  xiecui.go:7        0x45cc80        64488b0c25f8ffffff    MOVQ 
FS:0xfffffff8, CX            
  xiecui.go:7        0x45cc89        483b6110        CMPQ 0x10(CX), SP    
  xiecui.go:7        0x45cc8d        7637            JBE 0x45ccc6        
  xiecui.go:7        0x45cc8f        4883ec10        SUBQ $0x10, SP        
  xiecui.go:7        0x45cc93        48896c2408        MOVQ BP, 0x8(SP)    
  xiecui.go:7        0x45cc98        488d6c2408        LEAQ 0x8(SP), BP    
  xiecui.go:10        0x45cc9d        0f1f00            NOPL 0(AX)        
  xiecui.go:10        0x45cca0        e89b17fdff        CALL 
  xiecui.go:10        0x45cca5        48c7042482000000    MOVQ $0x82, 
  xiecui.go:10        0x45ccad        e8ae1ffdff        CALL 
  xiecui.go:10        0x45ccb2        e8491afdff        CALL 
  xiecui.go:10        0x45ccb7        e80418fdff        CALL 
  xiecui.go:11        0x45ccbc        488b6c2408        MOVQ 0x8(SP), BP    
  xiecui.go:11        0x45ccc1        4883c410        ADDQ $0x10, SP        
  xiecui.go:11        0x45ccc5        c3            RET                    
  xiecui.go:7        0x45ccc6        e8d5b0ffff        CALL 
  xiecui.go:7        0x45cccb        ebb3            JMP main.main(SB)    



On Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 11:04:15 PM UTC-4 cuiw...@gmail.com wrote:

> function:
> func test3(a int) int {
>   return a * 3 + 4
> }
> go version go1.13.5 darwin/amd64
> generate instructions:
>   LEAQ    (AX)(AX*2), AX
>   LEAQ    4(AX), AX
> As far as i known,there a better choice
>  LEAQ    4(AX*3), AX
> Can it be optimized?

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