> %w is not a formatting verb, so fmt.Prinf("%w") is not valid. 

yes, i thought i was pasting fmt.Errorf("%w",err) 

err1:= errors.New("error") 
> err1= fmt.Errorf("fmt wrapping: %w",err1) 
> fmt.Println(err1) 
> err2:=errors.New("error") 
> err3= fmt.Errorf("Wrapped: %w",err2) 
> // Here, err3 is an error wrapping err2 
> fmt.Println(err3) 

i was trying to create a error 'class', i now realise fmt.Errorf isn't 
capable/for that. i thought all wrapping was 'grouping' i now see another 
use case that this handles. it was the two uses that confused me.

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