On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 9:45 AM Kevin Chadwick <m8il1i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I apologise if this has already been discussed. Google didn't turn up anything
> directly related.
> If you read a file using the following that returns a byte slice.
> tlsCertb, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/ssl/mycert")
> if err != nil {
>    log.Fatal(err)
> }
> tlsCert = string(tlsCertb)
> Is there a way to get a string without the cast.
> Otherwise couldn't the language automatically return a string rather than a 
> byte
> slice in these cases if the receiving var is already a string?
> e.g.
> var string tlsCert
> tlsCert, err = ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/ssl/mycert")
> if err != nil {
>    log.Fatal(err)
> }

The way Go works, ioutil.ReadFile is compiled with the io/ioutil
package.  It can't change based on how it is called.  So it is always
going to return []byte.

The only way to implement what you suggest would be to add an implicit
conversion from []byte to string.  But that seems problematic.  In
general Go avoids implicit conversions except to interface types.  And
a conversion to string does require a copy, so it doesn't seem like a
great idea to do that implicitly.

If this happens a lot in your code, it seems easy enough to use a tiny
helper function.


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