Sth. like 
var buf bytes.Buffer
fh, err := os.Open("path-to-eml")
if err != nil {
  return err
_, err = io.Copy(&buf, fh)
if err != nil {
    return err
email, err := parsemail.Parse(bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()))
if err != nil { // handle error 
  return err
d := gomail.NewDialer(...)
sc, err := d.Dial()
if err != nil {
  return err
return sc.Send(email.From, []string{email.To}, buf)

Or if you don't want to read the whole email into memory (but I think 
parsemail already does it, unlike the standard net/mail),
you could create a little helper:
type copyWriterTo struct { r io.Reader }
func (cw copyWriterTo) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, err) { return 
io.Copy(w, cw.r) }
and use it in `sc.Send`, instead of `buf`.

Tamás Gulácsi a következőt írta (2020. szeptember 14., hétfő, 6:17:42 

> Use DialSender returned by gomail.Dial.
> You don't need the parsed message for it, just the from and to addresses, 
> and write the contents of the .eml file into the WriterTo as is.
> sandip bait a következőt írta (2020. szeptember 14., hétfő, 1:06:50 UTC+2):
>> I am using Standard *gomail <>* package 
>> for sending mails in Golang. The mail generation part is happing from some 
>> other component which i am storing it in a particular location (i.e 
>> */path/sample.eml* file). And hence , i have pre-cooked mail body in 
>> .EML file which i just want process as a new mail. I am able to put/parse 
>> the .EML content by using the *parsemail 
>> <>* package of *DusanKasan*. 
>> There are so many custom headers which i have already set in raw 
>> *sample.eml* file content which i want to send. It will be really 
>> helpful if i get an example code saying just pass *.eml* file as a input 
>> so that mail body will generate/render based on *.eml* file content.
>> You can fine sample EML content string on *.EML 
>> <>*Here is my basic mail sending 
>> code using *gomail <>* 
>> package.m := gomail.NewMessage() 
>> m.SetHeader("From", "") 
>> m.SetHeader("To", "", "") 
>> m.SetAddressHeader("Cc", "", "Dan") 
>> m.SetHeader("Subject", "Hello!") m.SetBody("text/html", "Hello <b>Bob</b> 
>> and <i>Cora</i>!") m.Attach("/home/Alex/lolcat.jpg") 
>>  d := gomail.NewDialer("", 587, "user", "123456") // 
>> Send the email to Bob, Cora and Dan.
>> if err := d.DialAndSend(m); err != nil { panic(err) }
>> Here is my eml parsing code using parsemail *parsemail 
>> <>* package
>> var reader io.Reader // this reads an email message 
>> email, err := parsemail.Parse(reader) // returns Email struct and error 
>> if err != nil { // handle error } fmt.Println(email.Subject) 
>> fmt.Println(email.From) 
>> fmt.Println(email.To) 
>> fmt.Println(email.HTMLBody) 
>> Thanks & Regards,

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