I can only agree, traversing or navigating Go AST is cumbersome for at 
least two reasons:
1. each type has its own fields - no uniform API is available
2. you often need type assertions on fields because they have interface 
type instead of concrete type

I developed a wrapper around them to mitigate these problems for my Go 
interpreter https://github.com/cosmos72/gomacro
If you are interested, it is the package 

You may find it helps by providing an uniform API and removing the need for 
type assertions, but it still requires compile-time code,
not CSS-style strings that can be created at runtime.

A quick example:  this uses plain go/ast
package main
import (
func main() {
    x, _ := parser.ParseExpr("foo[1 + 2 * 3]")
    // we want to extract the "3"
    var three string = 
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", three) // prints 3
while this is the equivalent using github.com/cosmos72/gomacro/ast2
package main
import (
func main() {
    x, _ := parser.ParseExpr("foo[1 + 2 * 3]")
    y := ast2.AnyToAst(x, nil) // wrap the existing AST. does not allocate 
    ythree := y.Get(1).Get(1).Get(1) // extract the "3" as ast2.Node

    // now unwrap it, getting the *ast.BasicLit and the Value inside it
    var three string = ast2.ToBasicLit(ythree).Value
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", three) // prints 3

On Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 9:37:21 AM UTC+2 cpu...@gmail.com wrote:

> Good morning.
> I've recently found myself writing a code generator for dynamic interface 
> composition at runtime. It became ugly and I had to pass in quite a number 
> of parameters that should have been available from reading the source code.
> In a second attempt I've reimplemented the generator using stringer-like 
> AST handling. It worked well but was cumbersome to code.
> Now an idea surfaced: wouldn't it make sense to implement a selector 
> interface on top of the golang AST, something like CSS or JQ selectors but 
> targeted at the go language constructs? I've stumbled across Guru but it 
> does seem to target a slightly different use case.
> Is anybody aware of such a selector lib/module or does the idea even sound 
> interesting?
> Cheers,
> Andi

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