Hi all, Consider the following test configuration:

func TestHandleCommand(t *testing.T) {

    type expectedResult struct {
        output string
        err    error
    type testConfig struct {
        args   []string
        result expectedResult

    testConfigs := []testConfig{
            args: []string{"-h"},
            result: expectedResult{
                err: nil,
                output: `Expected output`,

Then, I do this:

for _, tc := range testConfigs {
        byteBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
        w := bufio.NewWriter(byteBuf)

        err := handleCommand(w, tc.args)
        if tc.result.err == nil && err != nil {
            t.Errorf("Expected nil error, got %v", err)

        if tc.result.err != nil && err.Error() != tc.result.err.Error() {
            t.Errorf("Expected error %v, got %v", tc.result.err, err)

        if len(tc.result.output) != 0 {
            gotOutput := byteBuf.String()
            if tc.result.output != gotOutput {
                t.Errorf("Expected output to be: %v, Got: %v",
tc.result.output, gotOutput)

The above pattern works for me since the function may return an error
and/or it may have something it writes to the provided writer, w.

Is there a more concise way to write this?


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