Currently the predeclared types (int, bool, float32, string, etc) do not 
have any methods on them. It appears to me that if they would, the generic 
implementation for math.Min/Max etc could do without 'types' in interfaces 
(as is currently proposed).

For example:

type Sortable[T any] interface {
Compare(T other) int

Suppose that int, float64, string etc all predeclare the Compare(T) int 
method. Then

func Max[T Sortable[T]](a, b T) T {
if a.Compare(b) >= 0 {
return a
return b

Is this something that was considered or is this just a bad idea? (It would 
require that all predeclared types expose most operators in some method 

One obvious benefit is that Max works for any user type as well (instead of 
only predeclared types). Another benefit is that the interface{} concept 
would not need to be extended (at least for the purpose of generics) with 
type lists.


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