On Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 9:41:09 PM UTC+11 Jan Mercl wrote:

Thank you for taking the time to answer, I'm still a little confused and 
have inlined where that confusion is below.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 11:09 AM shan...@gmail.com <shan...@gmail.com> 
> wrote: 
> > My confusion is this, the comment says (very clearly) 
> > It's not safe, nor portable, and may change (although I have had it 
> pointed out to me that the comparability guarantee may contradict this) 
> It does not. When there exists explicit documentation for the 
> contrary, it means the contrary. 
Sorry, because you quoted the whole string I am confused what you mean (on 
reflection I am thinking you are just saying that the documentation is 
contrary to the compatibility guarantee and as such the sliceheader is not 
subject to that guarantee)

> > Further the Data field reference won't stop the Garbage collector 
> removing the data 
> It's the same as for any other uintptr anywhere else. It's not a 
> pointer and thus does not guarantee reachability of its "pointee". The 
> documentation just reminds of this. 
Ah, yes I see what you mean

> So, can someone explain to me what it's purpose in life is (there's 
> suggestion that it was a temporary fix that, like all things temporary, has 
> become permanent, and if so, I wonder if that means the documentation needs 
> updating) 
> This does not make reflect.SliceHeader unusable though. The 
> reflect.SliceHeader is either aliased to a real slice or is later 
> unsafely converted to one. Then the uintptr field is no more an 
> uintptr, but a real pointer. The documentation points out that _in 
> between_ one has to guarantee the reachability by other means, the 
> only pseudo-reference of the uintptr value is not sufficient for that. 
So, the only two uses I have found for this is
1) A Teaching aid, showing people what a slice is under the hood
2) This piece of code that I have just found that converts/moves a C array 
into a Go slice
func getArr(which int) []byte {
var theCArray *C.char = C.getTheArray(C.int(which))
length := int(C.BLOCKSIZE)
var theGoSlice []byte
sliceHeader := (*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer(&theGoSlice)))
sliceHeader.Cap = length
sliceHeader.Len = length
sliceHeader.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(theCArray))
// now theGoSlice is a normal Go slice backed by the C array
return theGoSlice

Are there other uses?

I see nothing in the documentation that needs to be updated. It's 
> possible that it could be improved to become better understood as it 
> seems it's not always working that way. 

I think it does need some attention for clarity, I'm still a little 
confused what exactly it's trying to convey (The way it's written, to me at 
least, says, don't use this because it's unsafe, non-portable, and may 

One other bone of contention the term "sliceheader" appears only in the 
reflect package.
But https://blog.golang.org/slices uses the term liberally to refer to an 
example slice struct that appears to be like the one found 
in https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/runtime/slice.go#L13

I *know* this is nit picking, but I feel that the blog should be clear that 
the term is purely informal, a number of times I have been told that that 
use of the term in the blog means that is what the struct is officially 

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