On Friday, 20 November 2020 at 09:26:57 UTC christoph...@gmail.com wrote:

> A handy feature of bool <-> int conversion is that true is converted to 1 
> and any integer different of zero to true. As a consequence, when we write 
> int(bool(x)) we get 0 when x is 0, and 1 when x is not 0.

I don't think you've tried this with Go.
Playground <https://play.golang.org/p/ZR02eZ_FROn>

./prog.go:9:15: cannot convert x (type int) to type bool

 It doesn't work the other way either: e.g. int(v ^ v1 != 0)

./go1.go:9:13: cannot convert v ^ v1 != 0 (type untyped bool) to type int

> This is to be compared with 
> r := v==v1 || v==v2 || v==v3
> The second form is of course more readable, but will also have a 
> conditional branch at each ||.

You should compare the generated machine code before saying one is better 
than the other.  If int(bool(x)) worked, it might also have a conditional 
branch; that is, it would presumably be the same as int(x != 0). In that 
case, your code becomes int(v^v1 != 0) which may or may not compile to the 
same code as int(v != v1).

To see the assembly language:  go build -gcflags -S myprog.go

Note that

> r := (v^v1)*(v^v2)*(v^v3)

risks integer overflow and may give the wrong answer. Playground 

Apart from this, I think you're trying to micro-optimise.  Do you have code 
which is measurably affected by the problem you describe, i.e. by actual 
profiling?  Modern processors have optimisations to deal with branches, 
e.g. speculative execution. Also, if you're dealing with data which is not 
in cache, then DRAM access is orders of magnitude slower than the CPU - 
i.e. the CPU cost is almost free compared to the DRAM access cost.

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