I don't think it's inherently *un*idiomatic to return a cleanup function.
But in this case, it seems unnecessarily complicated (and buggy).

On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 2:19 PM Christian von Kietzell <
chris...@vonkietzell.de> wrote:

> - doSomething doesn't care whether the output is a file or a buffer or
> os.Stdout, so it should just get an io.Writer.

I definitely agree with this.

> - The cleanup work for using os.Stdout (or a buffer in tests) is
> different than for *os.File.
- Who's responsible for doing that work? If I return *os.File directly
> from getFile(), there's an implicit assumption that the file needs to be
> closed by the caller. But what if it's os.Stdout?

One possibility that we need to mention is that it would be possible to
return a new file, connected to stdout, for example by using syscall.Dup
<https://golang.org/pkg/syscall/#Dup>. You could also wrap `os.Stdout` in a
new type, with a no-op `Close` method.

> - The alternative of putting all that in run() is kinda ugly because
> run() potentially has to do a lot more.

Nevertheless, personally, I think it's the right choice, ultimately.

A potential problem I see? The error from os.File.Close() is never
> checked, neither is the error from bufio.Writer.Flush(). In this small
> example that wouldn't bother me because it means the program ends
> anyway. But in other cases it might become more of a problem.

Yes, at the very least, your cleanup function should return an `error`.
That `error` might just be statically `nil`, but the failure when
flushing/closing (FTR, I don't think you need to flush, if you close the
file anyway) should definitely be handled some way. That's why I think your
code as-is is actually buggy. "The program will end anyway" isn't a good
reason to silently leave a corrupt file behind.

So, I would probably be fine accepting this in a code-review (as long as
the error is checked) but I would prefer to just inline the function into

> What do you think?
> Kind regards,
> Chris
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