Dnia 2021-03-29, o godz. 20:41:02
fge...@gmail.com napisaƂ(a):

> Since the build constraint language is equivalent to a first order logic 
> language, no guaranteed useful information can be provided in the general 
> case in a limited time.

The build tool decides about exclusion anyway. In the very moment it knows a 
file is to be skipped it could print (with -n or -v) that constraint line that 
gave the deciding predicate. There is enough information for our brains to 
solve a "why we got no valid sources here" puzzle.

> grep should be good enough :)

Why build a regexp later for something build tool knows in situ?

export GOOS=linux
cd buildconstr


go build -n -tags bsddebug
package fairbe.org/ohir/buildconstr: build constraints exclude all Go files in 


go build -n -tags bsddebug
   (command config lines elided)
./a.go excluded at line 4: // +build darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd
./b.go excluded at line 3: // +build lindebug,linux
./c.go excluded at line 3: // +build !lindebug,!bsddebug
./d.go excluded at line 3: // +build windows
./e_windows.go excluded by name constraint (GOOS != windows)
package github.com/ohir/buildconstr: build constraints exclude all Go files in 


Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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