On 4/6/21, Volker Dobler <dr.volker.dob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Probably you are overthinking it.
> ...

Thank you all for your replies!
I did overthink.

When https://blog.golang.org/using-go-modules [part1-5] were
published, I've read all of them, some parts several times. It helped
with code migrations.
Still my question remains: assuming almost exactly a decade of using
go with GOPATH how should have I found the information in your

+1 question: what's the thing with the dot requirement in the module
path? It's probably not a requirement, but than again, why is it
casually mentioned in some module relevant replies?

I know good terse documentation is much harder to write, than a good
complete documentation. I've tried to read https://golang.org/ref/mod
(~24k words), but I was not strong enough and gave up. The go
programming language specification is ~28k words, I've read it a few

Are we trying the document similar complexity? If yes, I believe this
has implications for the future use of modules, if no, there is room
for improvement. What do you think?

Thanks again for your time!

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