* 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts <golang-nuts@googlegroups.com> [210607 19:06]:
> Well, it seems a bad idea to say that interfaces are implicitly pointers
> then. That seems to indicate that Rob's original phrasing is indeed an
> important clarification - the language behaves as if the value contained in
> them is copied when the interface value is copied.

I agree with most of what you are saying to Robert Engels, but I
disagree with this.  The FAQ needs to make it clear that making a copy
of the value happens when assigning a concrete value to an interface and
when extracting a concrete value from an interface, but that the
interface passed around does _not_ require the allocation overhead of
copying the concrete value every time the interface is copied (even if
it behaves, whenever the interface is used, as if a copy is made).

It is clear from this thread that this is a confusing topic, and also
that programmers new to Go are reading this FAQ entry and believing,
incorrectly, that to optimize memory allocations they should use
pointers when it is not necessary to do so.

In other words, there are two distinct aspects that both need to be
expounded in the FAQ:  the external behavior and the performance-related
consequences.  People are jumping to the wrong conclusion because the
FAQ says "copying the interface value makes a copy of the struct".  This
is simply untrue, and not necessary according to the language spec.

The correct statement is that "copying the interface value behaves as if
the struct is copied without actually needing to make a new copy of the
struct".  That second part is important.


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