I have a proxy written in python with some logic that I would like to 
implement in a golang tool of mine, but I don't really know how to do it.
It splits the data sent via socket (stdout) in small chunks, with a delay 
between each other

I have a variable which gets a random number from a list:
 listbytes = [87, 88, 89, 90]

I have also a function which splits in small chunk of bytes(n) the 


def chunks(lst, n):

    "Yield successive chunks from lst, where n is a list of possible sizes"

    i = 0

    while i < len(lst):

        k = min(random.choice(n), len(lst) - i)

        yield lst[i:i + k]

        i += k

Both things are executed this way:
# get the data
            data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
            if s == s_src:
                d = LOCAL_DATA_HANDLER(data)
                for chunk in chunks(d, listbytes): 
#sleep 1.6 seconds before sending the next chunk of data
#send the chunked data
                    s_dst.send(bytes(chunk) )

How do I implement *the same exact logic* illustrated here?

func (nObj NetObject) RunClient(cmd string) {
    // Try connection

    for {
        conn, err := net.Dial(nObj.Type, nObj.Service)
//        msg := "status"
        if err != nil {
        if err == nil {
//            defer conn.Close()
            defer conn.Close()
            log.Println("Connected to", conn.RemoteAddr())
            handleConn(conn, cmd)

            //handleConn(conn, cmd)
            fmt.Println("After handle")
        fmt.Println("Before sleep")
        time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

Can you help me please?

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