Consider this example:, basically

var Err = errors.New("sentinel")
err := errors.New("foo")
if errors.As(err, &Err) {

I'm wondering why this matches the sentinel error, or rather how to 
properly use sentinel errors. errors.As says "An error matches target if 
the error's concrete value is assignable to the value pointed to by 
target". This seems to be the case here (both are of type error).

However, if thats the case, how should I construct a sentinel error that 
would be usable with errors.As? I don't want to rely on errors.Is as errors 
could be wrapped. So to "break" the assignability- would that mean that I'd 
need to define sentinel errors as e.g. struct types?

Seem's I'm still lacking the level of understanding for go errors that I'd 
aspire to :/


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