I encountered a deadlock when reading from a buffered channel.
The deadlock occurs when an attempt is made to read from the channel twice, 
without an intermediate write to the channel.

The problematic code is as follows:

func main() {
myInt      := 432

readerChan := make(chan int, 3)

for forI := 0; forI <= 10000; forI++ {
readerChan <- myInt
fmt.Printf("%d:", <- readerChan)
fmt.Printf("%d:", <- readerChan)


The first read from variable readerChan succeeds.
The second read from variable readerChan results in a deadlock.

I have two links to playground.
The first link is the problematic code.
The second link is for similar code that has an intervening write to the 

I understand that a buffered channel allows a queue of results to be stored 
from other Go routines writing to the channel.
But, the code is attempting multiple read operations.

Looking for a technical explanation to help me better understand this 
particular case.
Thanks in advance ...

The problematic playground link : https://play.golang.org/p/veo7phAZzMv
The working playground link     : https://play.golang.org/p/qvYZNN9keqN


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